
After months of internet hype, I saw “Snakes on a Plane” yesterday with Movie/Party/FaceBook Crowd.

Simple review: It was exactly what I thought it would be. This is a good thing.

Afterwards, Scrappy and I went to Mama’s Boy and then met Tina, Tara, and Kate for drinks downtown. I missed the party portion of the Movie/Party at Lisa’s. I am sure there were many snakes and many planes.

Once I finish creating an online sports calendar (and you all know how much I love doing that) then I really promise to fix the main spynotebook page.

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One Response to Sporks.

  1. Bon says:

    Okay, there were like three people clapping at that theatre. At ours, there were a few hundred. Clapping, squealing, leaping up out of their seats with glee.

    Oh, I so miss this movie. Need to see it again. Soon.

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