It's Superman!: A Novel

It’s Superman!: A Novel

A few weeks ago, I was wandering through a Waldenbooks in Kennesaw and saw this book on the shelf. I was surprised that I had never heards of it and checked it out from the library when I got back to Athens.

It is a retelling of the story of how Clark Kent decided to don the costume and become Superman during the 1930’s. Clark, Lex, and Lois are all here in slightly different versions than in today’s comics. I have to say, this is one of the first times that I have read this story and it sort of made sense why he decided to wear a costume and fight crime. There is a new character named Willi that is essential in this story of bringing the three main characters into each other’s lives. If there is a comic book equivilent of this character, I don’t know about him.

Clark really is a dumb farm boy in this one and not some super smart genius which I found amusing. Lois is a young girl fresh out of journalism school and Lex is an alderman in New York City slowly taking over the crime rackets.

If you like Superman, you will probably like this book.

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