I’ve had a good bit of stuff going on these days, so I am terribly behind in my twitter and blog reading. If anything important is happening in the world, please let me know.
Otherwise, here are some things things that have caught my eye in the little bit of Google Reader time I have had .
Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn’t seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.
- As I have written about before, we canceled cable and use the internet for all of our television. I read about casttv.com the other day. It’s another in the long line of websites trying to be *the* place for online video. I have only just looked at it a bit, but I do like the TV Guide kind of feel it has on one of the pages. There were some shows on there that I had no idea were available online for streaming and plan to watch soon.
- I am thinking of asking Scrappy to make all my clothes from these patterns.
- The *original* Scrappy!
- Don’t forget that Woxy Vintage still exists for your listening pleasure.