I just got tagged by several people at once on the 25 Random Facts meme. Instead of writing 200 facts about myself, I think I will just do it once (I hope this is not cheating). I’m also posting it to the blog.
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note in your profile with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it’s because I want to know more about you… especially the random things. 🙂
- I have been blogging since 1999 but ran out of things to say around 2002.
- I have lived in Athens all my life except for a brief stint near Greenwood, SC in fifth grade.
- I have met lots of famous people for a kid from Athens; Debbie Norville once told me I was a dream come true, I had lunch with Gene Roddenberry and Majel Barrett Roddenberry, and I got to drive Kenny Rogers around in a golf cart. There are probablty more but those are the ones that pop into my head.
- I am 1/3 owner of a Skee-Ball machine with Hannah and Sam.
- I love TV but we canceled cable last year.
- Even though my job is to support Microsoft Windows, I never use it. Ubuntu at work and Mac at home.
- My favorite soft drink is Diet Dr Pepper.
- My favorite alkyhol drink is probably Blenheim’s Spicy Ginger Ale and Maker’s Mark.
- I like Tootsie Rolls and the miniature Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
- I know a lot about the British soap opera <i>Eastenders</i>.
- I find it incredibly hard to stay awake in movies.
- My wife was born 3,902 days after I was.
- I own an enormous number of comic books. I tell people 10,000 but I really have no idea.
- Between school and work, I spent almost 29 years at Athens Academy. Ironically, I was once told I did not understand the Academy way. Oh, I think I do.
- My favorite Taco Stand is still the East Side.
- I play trivia at Loco’s every Tuesday.
- We usually walk to work.
- My favorite types of novels are time travel and alternate history.
- I prefer Doctor Who to Star Trek and I prefer Star Trek to Star Wars.
- I sometimes have the viewing and reading habits of a teenage girl.
- Can play the Nose Flute quite well.
- I participate in spelling bees.
- I really really hate mayonnaise.
- I can’t stand touching velvet.
- I went to see Britney Spears in Las Vegas for my 31st birthday.
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