Smoking Ban = Cold Toes

OK. I don’t smoke but I generally hang out with people who do. Now that it has gotten cold outside, it SUCKS sitting outside. Room 13 needs to get some fire pits or something, is all I’m saying. I went out with Veronica, David, and Nariman last night and by time the evening was over, I’m pretty sure I had lost all feeling in my feet. Or I should learn to dress warmer. Converse aren’t known for their supreme insulation or anything. The most major accomplishment of the evening was linking Keira Knightly to Kevin Bacon. It took an inordinate amount of time but I blame the coldness on slowing down our brains.

Can you do it? Answer in the extended entry.

Keira was in “Star Wars: Episode 1” with Natalie Portman who was in “Beautiful Girls” with Matt Dillon who was in “Wild Things” with Kevin Bacon. This took four of us over half an hour. It seems so simple now.

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3 Responses to Smoking Ban = Cold Toes

  1. Stephanie H. says:

    Oh, that’s good. I would have tried going through Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean, but I haven’t quite figured out where to go from there…

  2. courtney says:

    Oh my gosh, Stephanie, I went the same route! And got stuck in the same place! Chip, did you see the guy rolling the vacuum cleaner on the sidewalk too?

  3. Let’s not forget that we linked Chip to Kevin Bacon via John Voight, in three easy steps. I think that counts as an accomplishment as well.

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