Weekly Lifestream Summary for September 11th

The following is a weekly (more or less) summary of my activity on the interwebs. To follow this in realtime, visit my Lifestream page.

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BSG line is frakkin’ long so going to some TAPS ghost hunting action. #dragoncon [#]
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Dude in Whedon Room is telling anyone who will listen why Edward is a stalker and why gay people can’t give blood. [#]
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I took this pick of @Veronica for her to send to @feliciaday. Fun times at Sword and Laser meetup. http://twitpic.com/gmo8i [#]
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In line for George Lowe aka Space Ghost. #dragoncon [#]
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Playing spot the most naked person in the Marriot lobby. Some people loosly interprept "costume". [#]
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Everyone on the Walk of Fame is OLD. #dragoncon [#]
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Space Ghost line wraps around onto itself. Very confusing and moebiusy. [#]
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Resting in room listening to Peter Facinelli telling us why Carlisle wears scarves in Twilight. [#]
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Wait… Why is Captain Kirk climbing the mountain? #dragoncon [#]
generic (feed #19)
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Last day of #dragoncon. Trying to get cars loaded and see last Felicia Day panel. [#]
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Home from the con and feel
like going to sleep. Can you go to
bed at 3:30 pm? [#]
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googlereader (feed #5)
googlereader (feed #5)
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Trying not to fall asleep while waiting for the eye doctor. [#]
hulu (feed #18)
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Posted FlipFace!
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RT @BarackObama It should never be controversial to ask our students to stay in school. Watch today’s speech: http://bit.ly/cDO8F [#]
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hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
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Opponent of Republican who shouted "You lie!" at Obama is given $69,000 by outraged voters http://bit.ly/2JpQWS [#]
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Rollergirl to Chip ratio at this table, 10:1 [#]
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@catchthecat the world is a sad place, kathry. Especially without a squirrel leg. [#]
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Nothing like Nancy’s Aunt Fritz to cheer us all up! http://bit.ly/BxXyZ [#]
googlereader (feed #5)

i’m such a geek because i know where everyone of these quotes came from.

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or, you know, just use twitter

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Shared Twistory
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calgon… take me away…. drat, still here. [#]
brightkite (feed #14)
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@sfoshee1 once a Spartan, always a Spartan. [#]
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