Weekly Lifestream Summary for October 10th

The following is a weekly (more or less) summary of my activity on the interwebs. To follow this in realtime, visit my Lifestream page.

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@gold__dust I was fully formed then. You didn’t miss a lot. [#]
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five day weekend begins. took @swifferthedog on a walk through tailgaters. @scrappy_rocks was disguised as fan of opposing team. [#]
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Shared Sleepy
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Laundry and packing for Sapelo. [#]
twitter (feed #2)
Told scrappy that I had that Miley song in my head and she decided to play the video on her iPhone. That should be against the rules. [#]
googlereader (feed #5)
lastfm (feed #7)
Listened to 10 songs.
twitter (feed #2)
At the cracker barrel at exit 94 on I-95. Good times and soggy salads. [#]
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Waiting for ferry to Sapelo. [#]
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"I can’t catch and drink." – kickball on beach at Sapelo. [#]
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Just discovered karaoke machine with only one tape: Bulldawg Boogie. No one appreciated my obvious talent. [#]
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back from beach and watching Granny worry about the giant chicken. "You can only push nature so fer" says Jed. Wiser words never spoken. [#]
twitter (feed #2)
This episode of Little House has Ken Berry and Billy Barty. I sense specialness in my future. [#]
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Little House: "I want y’all to know what a real live fat lady feels like". [#]
twitter (feed #2)
It’s like all my worlds coming to together: Atlanta resident Kenny Rogers guesting on ‘How I Met Your Mother’ http://bit.ly/42xGxG [#]
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There should be a law against movies being called "Incubus" that do not star William Shatner and are not in Esperanto. I feel mislead. [#]
generic (feed #12)
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catching the ferry at noon for the mainland. visited sapelo public library last night and bought New Testament in Gullah. then drank wine. [#]
generic (feed #12)
googlereader (feed #5)
lastfm (feed #7)
Listened to 9 songs.
googlereader (feed #5)
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Just got home. Haven’t picked up @swifferthedog yet. Wait… We have work tomorrow? [#]
hulu (feed #18)
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@CalebMasland y’all take some bug spray down to sapelo. [#]
googlereader (feed #5)
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Why are we attacking the moon? [#]
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@farcepest jealous of your wavedom [#]
twitter (feed #2)
need to clean up my twitter feed. time to unfollow some peeps. will probably follow you again when groups start to work. [#]
twitter (feed #2)
If Cavemen Wrote Pessimistic Science Fiction, We’d Never Get Anywhere [Webcomics] http://bit.ly/EV1jc [#]
googlereader (feed #5)
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keep forgetting today isn’t tuesday… i highly recommend taking mondays through fridays off when you can. [#]
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At Max Canada for rollergirl carnival. Where are you? http://bit.ly/2fvhGV [#]
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hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
hulu (feed #18)
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